How I Came to Communism

I am laughing. It’s because I hadn’t written a journal entry for a very long time. I didn’t even expect that my blog would be fool, I mean ‘full’ of my thoughts and feelings. As I reminisce through the entries, some of it made me remember that I wrote such things. It’s as if I still doubted whether I really typed those words here. In short, I almost forgot that I had a blog. Now, I feel guilty.

Today, so much of this ‘journal nonsense’, is a day where 4 of my ‘known friends’ are celebrating their birthdays. Yaaaay. Well, that’s not the main reason why I created this blog. To be honest, I have no idea what to write. I used to talk about my insecurities, people I despise, my own thoughts about the world, ‘love’.. Maybe, we can try discussing how I became a strong adherent for communism. Yes, you heard it right. C-O-M-M-U-N-I-S-M. Sounds absurd? I’m not joking.

Let me first tell you the ‘background’ of why I have chosen the path of this leftist ideology. I know this is some sort of a political foolishness, well, this is my blog. I tend to get all political even without beer. Politics interest me, and you can’t do anything about it.

So returning to our central subject, I always looked forward to my Politics class back in Australia. Everything seemed very fine to me – my teacher, classmates and the topics we covered. ALL OF IT WERE DAMN SENSIBLE. I could even prefer to have that class every single day. What’s even cooler about that class is that we’re free to utter anything – yes, even swearing, in front of our teacher. I don’t tend to swear a lot, but I guess, I do now, most of the times, and that’s because of their massive influence.

My Politics teacher loved Nazi Germany so much that in every topic, he would always associate everything to Nazism. I loved how he decorated his classroom, those flags and propaganda posters; one would really be hyped in attending his class. What’s more is that on every topic, it gets the class really involved through debates. Too bad, I don’t really join because I’m not a good critical thinker and a speaker like my classmates. Of course, I just observe them intently and do my best to comprehend their arguments.

Why communism, you ask? It is because, by that, I had to work to be able to keep surviving in Australia. That country, considering as a first-world, it opened my eyes to this actual reality that no one can ever live without a single job, and every distinct obligation or interest has to do with MONEY. Yep, M-O-N-E-Y. It’s like spitting out on our faces that we can’t enjoy our lives when we don’t have cash in hand. Everything, even those intangible objects we don’t even know whether these exist are getting linked to money.

Screw money. That thing will be the death of me. It makes my blood boil to the point of desiring to execute the culprit who even created that concept of money. Capitalism, oh yeah, that’s it. That word disgusts me.

I am well aware that right at this very moment you are laughing because all these things I’m using are products of capitalism. I know, okay? Though it may be seen as an advantageous thing for it contributed millions of people. Well, let me point out that it also contributed never-ending wars, breeding natural calamities and birthing greedy people. It all came to a consequence where the whole lot is about power, wealth and all those idiocies. You can’t even benefit the blessings of a single speck of a seed from a fruit because you need money to even experience it. Overpricing is becoming a habit for the reason that the sellers are in a huge money crisis.

What the hell is with money?

I just would like to hope that someday people would be able to rightfully gain from their efforts of labor, and this is why I leant onto the ways of Marxism.

Most, if not all, would deem that communism is a failure; it is, indeed. It is because a utopian world taking into account that human beings are naturally self-centred, and a country itself must stand on its own. This is an ideology where it heavily considers the total eradication of the social class, therefore making everyone equal. I strongly agree on this because who the hell assigns the function of every person in the society based on the capacity of their wealth?

What I’m trying to point out is that a society can function even if you don’t assign roles since people shouldn’t be dictated or push around by some kind of rich capitalist and pressured to carry out a certain job to make a society work. This is what caused misconceptions and wars.

Think about it, how people treat will you will depend on your status in life, and this is currently happening. What is the purpose of United Nations in creating the Declaration of Human Rights if this is not put to action?

I’m tired of making the rich get richer and the poor ones get poorer just because of this stupid cycle. It appears that our lives solely relied on that thin sheet of colored paper we call money. Then, you are forgotten for dying poor, not unless you’re a billionaire or a famous celebrity who owned 5 mansions internationally.

So why communism? You ask me again. It’s simply because I believe in the potential of people to become kind to one another. Maybe this is why Karl Marx developed this theory. He trusted that people can share his or her belongings without being threatened and that everyone can live in harmony. This wouldn’t work now, but I know someday it will.

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